Date Night Style | Twirler

Channeling Pocahontas while twirling in my fun date night outfit.

VOGOS top and skirt | Pikolinos boots | Lena Bernard necklace

I wore this outfit every chance I got the past few months as it's just too fun to keep in the closet! The top looks like rows of voluminous eyelashes while the fringe skirt makes twirling a prerequisite to wearing it. As a little girl, I twirled in dresses every chance I got which didn't always work out because I'd get in trouble for absentmindedly flashing the opposite sex. And by that, I mean eight-year-old boys. But as I got older, a sea of opportunities opened up! I picked up dancing so I could twirl at the right place at the right time. And then there was high school where 87% of the reason I joined cheerleading was to wear the pleated mini skirts-one of the most twirl friendly objects known to mankind. 

So you can imagine I was pretty bummed to find out that once you hit a certain age, you enter a twirl-free zone. For years, I hid my urge, my talent, my calling. Until I put on that skirt and that top. I mean, how could one not twirl in that outfit? 

Posted by Jenny Wu on Wednesday, November 25, 2015