The Five People You Need to be Successful in Anything

With any career or entrepreneur business, the road to success is marked by uncertainty as too often uncontrollable elements like luck and timing can make or break a business.  The good news is there are a few constants within one's control that define success. One of them is surrounding yourself with inspiring people. After all, no man (or woman) is an island!

 Throughout my journey as a lawyer, blogger, and entrepreneur, there has been five defining types of people who have helped, guided, and mentored me along the way. They are, in my opinion, the five people you need to be successful in anything you do.  Check out the video to see who they and how they help to drive success!

I'm still paving the path to achieving my career goals but I'm lucky to have a support system that motivate me to work hard, live honestly, and to always try to impact meaning and positivity to the world. I hope you have these people in your life and that you are one of them to someone else!