I'm in Chicago for the next 17 hours to attend a fabulous Stella Artois summer soiree. I may need to stay up the whole night as this is quite the blink and you'll miss it trip. Although this one day travel bender may not be the ideal illustration, I am attempting to tighten the reins and slow down my schedule as there are a few big projects that require my attention, I need to read. I need to feel inspired. I need to create. I need to think. I need to envision. I need to go down to the hotel lobby as I'm already fifteen minutes late. Life is ticking away. There's no time to be tardy to the party.
Here's what transpired the past seven days.
{the good}
lunch at Urth Cafe with my good friend "sunshine" because that's what she brings to my life. I'm a regular at Urth as it spawned my proclivity for grilled veggie sandwiches
digging out an oldie but goodie from the back of the closet. My floral Motel dress must be four years old but the print and cut is absolutely timeless
a morning jog to Westwood results in a pit stop at Chick fil-A. But I'm going to see the glass as half full and rationalize that the jog staved away a few of the deep fried caloriesa visit to A.N.D. and a peek at their inspo/design board. Amazing jeans come from amazing ideas, people, and places

discovering fabulous spring lip and cheek hues from City Color while spending a perfect afternoon with my girls engrossed in chit chat about boys, makeup, and topics much too R-rated for this blog
soft meets hard
floating above the city on a cloudy Sunday morning
Sunday brunch at FOOD. The beef patty was juicy but the burger lacked aioli
{the bad}
This dress is both my confidant and public enemy number one. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it at Shareen's a few years ago as it reminded me of a prim and proper Victorian doll dress. However, the material is unforgiving due to its heavy brocade fabric as any weight gain pushes the seams to breaking point. Over the years, the dress has been my scale as I wear it to scientifically gauge weight fluctuations, Yesterday, I put it on and immediately gasped for air as the dress squeezed my lungs and other vital organs. I need to shed a few pounds. Erratic eating and sleeping patterns coupled with dwindling cardio workouts have slowed down my metabolism So, I'm making a midsummer resolution to cook more, steer away from my buffet eating mindset, and make Equinox my second home. Dress, we will be friends again.
{the fab}
sweet love letters from my gal Emily at StyleSays
getting a trim by Mr. Umberto. Watching him cut my hair is like watching Edward Scissorhand do his thing...because Johnny Depp studied under him to prep for his iconic movie role.
Totally had a Carrie Bradshaw Goes to Paris moment when I stepped into this Jovani dress. All I need now is a Russian ballerino to take me to Europe and ditch me so I can find my way home.
I feel blessed to feel the love from brands that I love like boohoo, Olivia Harris, Lucky Brand Jeans, Shoes of Prey and Old Navy. Thank you for gifting me with great opportunities and fabulous products. They make my day. Everyday.

enjoying a Lafite 1982 on a fabulous Saturday night that started at Cecconi's (the black truffle pizza, lobster pasta, and strawberry ricotta cheesecake were divine) and ended sprawled out next to an animated player piano. Play on playa'.
{live fabulously}